Explorer Cases

Online Catalogue |  Explorer Cases



IP67 Waterproof, dustproof
Defense Standard 81-84 Level J
STANAG 4280 (edition 2)
Conformity with Directive 2002/95/EC

Cases are available as follows

Model 4412: Int 445 by 345 by 125 cm Ext 474 by 415 by 149 cm Weight 3.4Kg
Model 4419: Int 445 by 345 by 190 cm Ext 474 by 415 by 190 cm Weight 4.0 Kg
Model 11413: Int 1136 by 350 by 135 Ext 1189 by 415 by 139 cm Weight 7.8 Kg
Model13513: Int 1350 by 350 by 135 Ext 1410 by 415 by 159 cm Weight 8.7Kg

Form fitted foam inserts for the different devices are available
Code: K3003CASE - please specify model number

Online Catalogue |  Explorer Cases